Friday, September 26, 2008

What a Zoo!

Yesterday The Gale Academy of Classical Education took a field trip. I saw an article in the newspaper that said the World Forestry Center over in the big city has a new exhibit called "From Wolf to Woof". It shows the history of the domestic dog from it's early beginnings as a wild creature. Because of the recent study here of the coyote carcass-- I thought this might be a nice way to enrich their learning. So off we went. Sadly, I didn't read the fine print: the exhibit doesn't open until Sept. 28th. But we were already there so we took advantage of the opportunity to look around. We learned a lot about trees and forests and some of the critters that we see everyday in our own little neck of the woods. Their favorite part was the jeep ride through Africa. They weren't really listening to the interesting facts about forests in Africa--they were too busy pretending to run over the rhinos and gazelles...and each other.

The local zoo is right across from the forestry center so we decided to take a side trip while we were there. There has been a great deal of excitement lately because one of the elephants had a baby. He is three weeks old now and soooo cute! They took a vote among the local community and named him "Sam" (it's short for the Hindi word for 'King of the Ocean' because he likes his bath--how cute is that!?). So Sam got to see his namesake and he took some pictures.

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Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...