Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just Another Day at the Beach

That's Seth, Shayla and Sam in the surf.
Like how I caught the bird in mid-takeoff? Totally accidental.
Gentle Reader,

My apologies for the recent lapse in posts. A little something I call CALIFORNIA RED TAPE has taken over my life. Oh, how California loves its rules and regulations. I had no idea how laid back (and actually, I'm sure California would call it: LAZY) Washington state is. I mean really--they aren't even really trying. A rule here, a suggestion there--but mostly they just leave most things up to the common sense of the sensible people and call it a day. But, just like the sunshine here in California, the bureaucracy is relentless. From what I can tell, its purpose is to take our minds off the fact that we are living in the middle of a disaster nightmare. Just today as we drove to the beach (a short, 20 minute jaunt) I heard on the radio:

Flash floods in Ramona

Mudslide blocks a road to Julian

The biggest fire in LA is 20% contained (this was good news)

8 other fires continue to burn

Hurricane Jemena hit the Baja peninsula

I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that our governor is THE TERMINATOR--it's his voice chanting over the radio : "We need watah! We need watah! We need watah!" and

"Fiah here, fiah there, we haf fiahs everywheah!"

All this while I was driving past signs that said:

CAUTION: Falling Rocks

CAUTION: Flash Flood Area

CAUTION: Earthquakes
(just kidding--there wasn't a sign for that--earthquakes are a given)

We got to the beach.

The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, a balmy 78 degrees.

A lovely breeze ruffles my hair.

I breathe in the salty sea air.

Earthquakes? Fires? Floods?



Stockhoff Family said...

Just so you don't miss the northwest too much, here's a little slice of home - a little drizzle, a few clouds, and the moss is still growing! Ahhh, nothing like early September in Oregon. Enjoy those great SoCal beaches and have an In-and-Out Double Double for the Stockhoffs. I do miss those delicacies! Have a great holiday weekend.


mamagale said...

Thank you for the little window on our old NW--if you guys are ever down this way come and see us--we'll go to In-and-Out...our treat! (We all became fans the first time we tried it)

Annie said...

hehe, this made me laugh! Andy pointed me in the direction of your blog when we ran into him in Camas last month:)

Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...