Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Week to Remember

A week ago we were in Texas (GRANDBABIES!!) so that Andy could ordain Scott a high priest. It was a sweet experience to see our son called as a counselor in the bishopric and sweeter still to see his father ordain him to the last priesthood office that can be done by his dad.  I loved playing play-doh with Bailey and peek-a-boo with Norah. Pops was a big hit with little Norah--she thought he was a big teddy bear to jump on. It was over much too soon.  Even as we were winging our way homeward, my mind was racing with the logistics of the events of the rest of the week.

Spencer came home from his mission on Wednesday. His plane was a small puddle jumper so we met him at the commuter airport. That meant that I got to watch him walk down the stairs from the plane door to the tarmac. I watched carefully as each person came off the plane and when my boy stepped out onto the stairs, I caught my breath as I realized how grown up he looked. I did my best not to cry but you all know me well enough to know that was a lost cause.

Today, Spencer gave his report to the high council and then his "homecoming" talk in church. It was a unique experience for him to speak to a congregation of people who are essentially strangers to him since we moved here right before he left on his mission. He did a beautiful job. I am his mom  so you may suspect that I am bragging but I had some corroboration. The counselor in the stake presidency told me: "Your son is a spiritual giant."  So there you go.

We topped off the week by having Seth ordained an elder by his father the last hour of church. He will submit his mission papers as soon as he gets back to Utah. Our missionaries are coming and going.

Tonight for FHE we watched home movies. It is so fun to see my big strapping boys watch themselves as little silly babies/toddlers/preschoolers. We laughed at their funny antics and their little squeaky voices that have now morphed into identical deep bass voices. I loved mothering them when they were little guys but I had no idea the joy that would come my way as they grew into men. My cup runneth over.

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Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...