Saturday, December 24, 2011

Called to Serve

When each of our sons was born, I counted all of their fingers and toes and 
kissed their sweet little cheeks and gazed with motherly love into their
angel faces. It seemed like they would be little for a long, long time.
But they just went ahead and grew up. 
So far, the first three boys have taken their 
turn heading off to college and then making the choice to serve a mission.
They came to this juncture in their lives each in his own way.
I've lived long enough and parented long enough to know that my
hopes and dreams for them may shape the way I lead them, guide them, and 
walk beside them; but in the end, they have to have their own hopes and dreams.
When the decision to serve a mission is confirmed, I am grateful and happy for them.
I know it will be a pivotal, life-changing experience.
So, Seth recently received his call:
The Georgia, Atlanta Mission.
He reports February 15th, 2012

His impeccable table manners will serve him well.

He can certainly rock a suit.
Plus, he knows all about brotherly love.

He will definitely "Be Prepared"

Yesterday was a beautiful day...
and the weather was pretty nice too.


Melanie said...

Congratulations on Seth's mission call. I'm glad you have a little break between missionaries.

Nursing School by Night said...

Aww my Seffers. Love him.

Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...