Monday, March 16, 2009

Our State of Limbo Ends and a New State Beckons

House hunting long distance has been an adventure. Andy did the leg work ahead of time and narrowed down the possibilities. The possibilities came to exactly TWO. I flew to San Diego for a day and looked at the two. One had nine acres, the other had a postage stamp yard. The choice was easy. But it felt strange to make such a big decision with so few choices. It was a nice house with a few quirks and was short one bedroom. But we had to make it work so I resigned myself to look at the positives and get on with the move. This was the house:When we knew we were going to California, I had visions of a big garden that would produce year-round with the beautiful, sunny climate. My first priority upon entering the house was to walk through to the backyard and check the soil conditions. I was informed that the soil was crushed granite. So...I was going from cement-like clay in my Northwest garden to crushed rock. I am a resilient woman. I began to make plans for raised beds and imagined the many wheelbarrows of soil and manure I would be hauling up to our mountaintop fortress:
But I came home still feeling like it wasn't the home for us. I did not want to be ungrateful. I also kept thinking that maybe a family like ours had a home they would need to sell. And it would come on the market before our "get out of contract free" deadline came up. And that is exactly what happened! Just hours before the deadline. Andy went to see it with our realtor and sent me pictures taken with his cell phone:

This house was in the same area--the same ward. It has the same amazing views. But it has all the bedrooms we need for our four children at home. And room for the four that are away from home to come and visit. And any friends and relations that might want to come see us too.
(That's a guest apartment over the garage)

Oh, and it was priced lower.

It is also a bit less desolate.

The kitchen is roomier and more big family friendly.

The pool looks inviting.

So, come and see us.

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Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...