Friday, January 13, 2012

Post Christmas

Best Christmas Present Ever:
Grandbaby time!
This trio of sweet, precious angels are the joy of my life.

And their parents and aunts and uncles are pretty awesome too.
We all converged on Shanna's house just as she was packing up for
a big move to Idaho. A lot of happy chaos ensued as we laughed and talked and
passed babies around--thoroughly smooching baby cheeks and
enjoying Bailey's bright insights.

Norah is a shoe girl already and clomped around in any shoes she found un-occupied.
Mason is a happy little boy--and seemed to take all
the craziness around him in stride.

Bailey studying the legendary Liger
We introduced the next generation of Gales to one of our favorites:
The Bean Museum

We dropped by to see Spencer and Adrianna's new apartment.
Our recently returned missionary with our soon-to-go missionary and 
the first of the next generation of missionaries enjoyed hanging out.

Little Norah was such a trooper--she had a cold that went to ear infections but after
an afternoon of sitting with Nana  watching "Winnie the Pooh" she got the meds she needed and was soon 
back to her usual bouncy, cheerful self.

Bailey went with Shanna and me to the BYU Bookstore where she sang
"I am a Child of God" loudly and sweetly as we walked through the aisles of books.
Pretty adorable.

It all went by too quickly--it was hard to say good-bye.
I like our kids. 
We have a lot of fun together and
it warms my heart to see them loving and helping each other.
So, the thoughtful Christmas gift from my hubby was much
more than a trip to Utah.
It was a little glimpse of heaven.

Thank you Honey.

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Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...