Friday, February 17, 2012

Early Morning Conversation With the Truthist

Shane and I were discussing an upcoming Scouting activity. These discussions usually involve me promoting the activity: "Yay Scouts! Go! Have Fun!" and Shane telling me why it will be the worst thing that ever happened to him: "Most of the Scouts don't want to be there. We get thrown together with kids that swear and say obnoxious stuff." (this is not our troop--it's a regional activity--just for the record) This time it went like this:

Me: Maybe you could look for the good in the other scouts--everyone has good qualities. God doesn't make any junk.

Shane: I know God doesn't make any junk but people make themselves into junk. And those Scouts have had 13 years to work on it.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

My 13 yo tells me the same thing about regional scout events, but he is still excited to go. I just get to listen to lots of complaining afterwards.

Thanks for the laugh! I needed it this morning.

Happy Birthday Scott!

 It has been awhile since I updated this little family scrapbook on the internet. I like to pop over here from time to time and look at our ...